Guy Maisnik was quoted in the California Real Estate Journal article, "Borrowers Face Tax Risks When Modifying Loans" discussing the importance of planning for tax issues before a transaction is completed. Guy commented on the factors that affect how income is taxed during a transaction.
Los Angeles real estate attorney Guy Maisnik was quoted in the California Real Estate Journal article, "Distressed Hotel Opportunities May Be Few and Far Between." Guy discussed the current market for distressed hotel properties and the reluctance of lenders to take over hotels with distressed debt.
David Sudeck was quoted in the California Real Estate Journal in an article entitled, "Recession Used to Defend Defaults", regarding whether the economic downturn could be used as an argument in a court case to avoid foreclosure.
Marty Orlick was quoted in a Daily Journal article entitled, "A Champion of the Disabled or Overly Litigious?", regarding a Marin County disability rights attorney.
Ben Reznik and JMBM’s 2009 Real Estate and Land Use Survey results were mentioned in the California Real Estate Journal. For more information about our 2009 Real Estate and Land Use Survey, click here.
Cathy DeBono Holmes was mentioned in the Palm Beach Daily Business Review article “’Build America’ Bonds Triggered Wave of Public Offerings: Federal Stimulus Bonds Are Driving Business.” The article also appeared in the Broward Daily Business Review.
Matt Hinks and Seth Weissman were mentioned in the “Pacesetters” section of the California Real Estate Journal.
Jim Butler was quoted in the article, "Hotel M&A Funeral", on the fundamentals of hotel operations being critical to investors by the National Real Estate Investor.
Jim Butler was quoted in the article, "Hotel-Condos: A Broken Promise?" in the National Real Estate Investor.
Marty Orlick was featured in the article "ADA and Hotel Pools – ALB poses questions about the ADA regulations concerning hotel pools to an ADA attorney" in the Spring issue of AAHOA Lodging Business, a publication of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association.