Greg Cordrey was quoted in the Daily Journal article titled, “In-House in Court: Will Corporate Counsel Further Expand Their Role?” regarding general counsels presenting their own cases in court.
Rod Berman and Jessica Bromall Sparkman were mentioned in the Law360 article, “Octane Fitness Gives Medtrica, Steris Second Shot at Fees,” which discusses their recent success in a patent infringement suit. (The case was also highlighted in Docket Navigator’s Docket Report).
Stan Gibson was mentioned in Law360’s “WWE, Landmark Lay Down Swords In Data Patent Fight,” for representing Landmark Technology.
Stan Gibson was mentioned in the Law360 article, “Retailers Infringed Online Search, Data Patents, Tech Company Says,” for representing Landmark Technology in a batch of recent patent infringement suits.
Stan Gibson was quoted in the Daily Journal article, “Apple withdraws ‘app store’ trademark complaint against,” regarding Apple’s dropping its trademark infringement case.
In a Daily Journal article, Ryan Mauck was mentioned for representing Rocky Mountain Orthodontics in a patent infringement case.
Stan Gibson was quoted in The Recorder in the article, “In Saying No to Apple on Injunction, Koh Sets Higher Bar,” discussing the recent denial of Apple’s request for permanent injunctions against multiple Samsung products. (This article was also published by Corporate Counsel, Law Technology News and The Legal Intelligencer).
Stan Gibson was quoted in the Daily Journal in the article titled, “Apple Seeking Injunction in Post-Trial Showdown with Samsung,” regarding the ongoing patent litigation between Apple and Samsung.
Stan Gibson was quoted in the Daily Journal article, “Apple – Google Patent Trial Dismissed,” regarding Apple’s pursuit to require Google to license Motorola patents.
Stan Gibson was quoted in the Law360 titled “Apple Likely to Win Samsung Ban, But Devil’s in the Details,” regarding the possible granting of an injunction against many Samsung products.