Jeff Sultan was quoted in the Daily Journal in an article entitled, "In a First, Talent Agency Licenses With SEC", discussing why talent agencies might benefit from receiving a license from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Bruce Jeffer was quoted in a front page article in The Recorder entitled, "Midsize Firms Weigh Salary Cuts".
Bob Braun was mentioned in the Port Clinton (OH) News Herald regarding Water Works Park.
JMBM was mentioned in The Daily Deal for its work as the legal advisory firm to Triton.
JMBM’s M&A work was mentioned in the article titled, "Some Firms Are Finding They Can Be International Without Going Very Far From Home," in the American Lawyer magazine.
Tim Lappen was quoted in an article by the Los Angeles Business Journal titled "Foreign Buyers Rev Up Market for L.A.’s Exotic Cars".
Bill Capps was mentioned in the article “Senior Partners and In-House Counsel from Top Law Firms and Corporations Will Speak at `Raising the Bar’ in Century City” on