Andrew Steenbock was quoted by the Los Angeles Times “Dear Liz” column: Your Debt Lives on After You Die
Bob Braun is featured on a Reuters Legal Current podcast titled, “Dangers of Public Wi-Fi.”
Susan Allison was quoted by Law360 for the article “Sofia Vergara’s Ex-Fiancé Loses Bid To End Pre-Embryo Suit.”
Guy Maisnik was quoted in the Law360 article “5 Tips For Structuring Inbound US Real Estate Purchases.”
Revenge Porn Victims: New Calif. Protections,, September 13, 2017.
Brad Cohen was quoted in the article “Nixing Pass-Through Rate For Service Cos. Can’t Stop Abuse” published by Law360.
Michael Gold was quoted in the Law360 article “Equifax’s Massive Data Breach To Spur Uncharted Legal Woes.”
Jim Butler was quoted in the Law360 article “4 Ways Hurricane Irma May Affect Florida Real Estate Deals.”
Jim Butler was quoted in the article “Hawaii Passes $2.4B Hotel Tax to Fund Honolulu Rail Project” published by Bloomberg BNA Daily Tax Report.
Sexual Harassment and the Sharing Economy: The Dark Side of Working for Strangers, AlterNet, August 30, 2017.