Jim Butler was quoted in the article “Resort fees: Pressing for transparency” published by HOTELS.
Michael Gold was mentioned in the article “Cybersecurity, privacy issues likely to get complex for the ‘internet of things’” published by the Daily Journal.
Bob Braun’s article “So, What is This Blockchain Thing?” was republished by Experfy.
Marty Orlick was quoted in the article “ADA mass filing roundup” published by Overlawyered.
Jim Butler was quoted in the Hotels article “Gym giant Equinox slapped with hotel lawsuit.”
Matt Kenefick was quoted in the Daily Journal article “Airbnb agreement reached to make listings easier for disabled.”
Jamie Ogden was featured in the Los Angeles Business Journal as a rising star of charitable advising in partnership with the California Community Foundation (calfund.org).
Brad Cohen was quoted in the Law360 article “Tax Cuts Expected to be a Hard Sell for Republicans,” discussing proposed changes to pass-through income tax rates in the new tax reform bill being considered by the House.
Marty Orlick was quoted in the Credit Union Times article, “Mitigate Risks as ADA Suits Mount.” Marty commented on the challenges banks and other financial institutions face as they bring their websites into compliance with accessibility guidelines.
Brad Cohen was quoted in the Inside Counsel article “The Complexities of Celebrity Taxes.”