Bob Braun was quoted in the article “Did SunTrust wait too long to announce data theft?” published by both the American Banker and Information Management.
Jim Butler and the Global Hospitality Group’s “How to Buy a Hotel Handbook” are featured in the April issue of the Premier Hotel Realty’s Newsletter.
Ben Reznik and Matt Hinks are quoted in the Law360 article “LA Decision ‘Blows The Myth’ About Property Rental Rules,” which focuses on the recent success Ben & Matt achieved for their property owner client in The People of the State of California vs. Venice Suites LLC et al., in Los Angeles Superior Court.
$6.4 Million Dollar Judgment in Revenge Porn Case is Among Largest Ever, The New York Times, April 11, 2018.
Jim Butler is quoted in the LA Times article “As China puts the brakes on overseas investment, Los Angeles’ development boom takes a hit.”
Rod Berman is quoted in the article “James’ Talk Show IP Dispute A Stretch, But Good For Publicity” published by Law360.
Matt Hinks was quoted in the LA Times article “Venice building owner sued over ‘illegal hotel’ didn’t break city law, judge rules.”
Jim Butler is quoted in the article “Uncertainty is Taking a Toll on the EB-5 Program,” published by the National Real Estate Investor.
JMBM is mentioned in the article “Rolling Stone magazine owner Penske makes another purchase” published by the New York Business Journal. JMBM represented Penske in the transaction.
Bob Braun is quoted in the article “4 Things Real Estate Lawyers Need To Know About Bitcoin” published by Law360.