Rod Berman and Jessica Bromall Sparkman were mentioned in the Law360 article “Cygnus Urges Fed. Circ. To Revive Medtrica Patent Row.”
Rod Berman was quoted in the Law360 article titled, “And The Award Goes To…The Academy’s Best IP Suits.”
Rod Berman was quoted in the National Law Journal article titled, “Protecting a Little Fellow Named Oscar,” discussing the Academy’s attempts to protect the Oscar brand against trademark and copyright infringement.
Rod Berman was quoted in the Los Angeles Times article titled, “With No Trademark, Sriracha Name Is Showing Up Everywhere.” (The article was also published in the Chicago Tribune).
Rod Berman was quoted in the Los Angeles Business Journal in the article, “Calling Names Can Lead to Costly Online Battles.”
Rod Berman and Jessica Bromall Sparkman were mentioned in the Law360 article, “Octane Fitness Gives Medtrica, Steris Second Shot at Fees,” which discusses their recent success in a patent infringement suit. (The case was also highlighted in Docket Navigator’s Docket Report).
Rod Berman and Jessica Bromall Sparkman were mentioned as attorneys for Medtrica in a Law360 article describing a recent ruling allowing the company to seek attorneys’ fees in a medical device patent infringement lawsuit.
Rod Berman was quoted in’s article, “The Highly Unusual Company Behind Siracha, the World’s Coolest Hot Sauce.”
Rod Berman was also quoted in Law360’s article, “Lawyers Weigh In On Supreme Court’s Monsanto Ruling.”
Rod Berman was quoted in the Bloomberg BNA article, “Unanimous Supreme Court Says No Patent Exhaustion for Monsanto Roundup Seeds.”