Marty Orlick was quoted in Lawyers USA in an article titled "Businesses Brace for New ADA Accommodation Rules," regarding the new ADA accessibility rules affecting public accommodations. The article was also reprinted by New Orleans City Business.
Marty Orlick was quoted in Travel Weekly in the article titled, "Hilton Disabilities Settlement Seen as Template for Hotel Res Systems," regarding hotel reservation systems and the need for improved accessibility information for the disabled.
Marty Orlick was quoted in a Daily Journal article entitled, "A Champion of the Disabled or Overly Litigious?", regarding a Marin County disability rights attorney.
Marty Orlick was quoted in the Daily Journal in an article entitled, "Biker’s Dozen", which profiled a mediator Marty has worked with recently.
Marty Orlick was featured in the article "ADA and Hotel Pools – ALB poses questions about the ADA regulations concerning hotel pools to an ADA attorney" in the Spring issue of AAHOA Lodging Business, a publication of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association.
Marty Orlick was quoted in a press release entitled, "Real Estate Attorneys Negotiate 255,000 Square Foot Site For California State Automobile Association," in the following publications:, Real Estate 43 News,, Yahoo!Finance, All About Los Angeles Real Estate, Business Wire, and JBCat Land Blog Review.
Martin H. Orlick and Matthew S. Kenefick‘s case opinions from Sanford v. GMRI Inc. dba Red Lobster, 04-1535 (E.D. Cal. Nov. 11, 2005) , White v. GMRI Inc. dba Red Lobster, 04-0620 (E.D. Cal. Jan.19, 2006) were mentioned in an articled entitled, "Paralegal Puzzle," in the August 8, 2007 edition of the Daily Journal.
Marty Orlick was quoted in the article "Possible ADA Rule Changes Spur Worry" in Hotel & Motel Management on October 17, 2005. Please click the above link to view the full article.