Burton Mitchell was quoted in The Oregonian article “Hire a tax pro to deal with capital gain on inherited home” on May 19th, 2019.
Burton Mitchell was quoted in the Los Angeles Times and San Diego Tribune article “Selling mom’s house may require an appraisal first: Inflation and Social Security checks” on May 12th, 2019.
Burton Mitchell was quoted in the Los Angeles Times Money Talk column on the topic, “Heirs need a pro to sort out tax issues.” The column also appeared in the San Diego Union Tribune on February 17th, 2019.
Burton Mitchell was profiled in the Baruch Alumni Magazine on November 29th, 2018.
Burton Mitchell was quoted in the Money Talk column in the Los Angeles Times discussing quitclaim deeds. The article was also picked up by the San Diego Union Tribune and The Oregonian.
Burton Mitchell was quoted in the Money Talk column in the Los Angeles Times discussing protecting an elderly widower from financial predators.
Burton Mitchell was featured in the “Money Talk” column of the Los Angeles Times regarding pursuing money that is owed to heirs.
Burton Mitchell was quoted in the article “Prince’s Estate: No Will Could Mean Chaos, Tax Bills and Lawsuits, Say Experts” from the Hollywood Reporter.
Burton Mitchell was quoted in the Los Angeles Times column, “Money Talk”, on the subject of estate taxes.
Burton Mitchell was quoted in the Daily Journal article, “Gift tax changes make work for attorneys.” He discussed clients’ rush to finalize financial gift planning before California law changed at the end of 2012.