David Poitras was mentioned in The Deal Pipeline article “Judge Denies Cal Neva Lodge Creditors’ Plan Outline.”
Guy Maisnik Jeff Sultan, Brandon Chock and JMBM were mentioned in the Dealmakers section of the Daily Journal, regarding Hana Financial Inc. securing a new $100 million factoring credit facility and creating a new commercial finance subsidiary.
Bill Capps was quoted in the article “What California HR Professionals Need to Know” regarding clean energy jobs, published by European Union News.
David Poitras was mentioned in the article, “Bitcoins Are Not Dollars in Bankruptcy Court” from the Bankruptcy Law Reporter.
JMBM was mentioned in the article “Deerfield Ranch: March 27 Hearing on Cash Use Deal” in Troubled Company Reporter.
Bob Kaplan was mentioned in the Troubled Company Reporter for representing Wells Fargo in a bankruptcy proceeding.
The Los Angeles Business Journal discussed 9019BAM!, the firm’s new bankruptcy arbitration service, and quoted John Graham.
Jim Butler was quoted in the International Business Times in the article titled, “Chinese Developers Put All Their Eggs in Banks’ Basket.”
Ben Young was mentioned in the San Francisco Chronicle’s SFGate.com, in reference to his speaking engagement at the upcoming FailChat event, a conference discussing Startup failures.